HD Bank Summer Internship التدريب الصيفي في بنك التعمير والإسكان

HD Bank Summer Internship التدريب الصيفي في بنك التعمير والإسكان

Internship Description

Housing and Development Bank is Pleased to Announce the Commencement of the Summer Internship Program 2024.
HD Bank Internship program aims to enrich you with the banking knowledge you need in order to pursue a career within the banking industry.

Internship Requirements

  • Students Governmental & Private Universities only that are validated from Ministry of higher education in Egypt.
  • Majors: Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Computer Science, Management Information System, Legal Affairs
  • Good communication skills and eagerness to learn and develop
  • Students with no previous internship at HD Bank

How to Apply

If you are interested, please send your CV to careers@hdb-egy.com specifying the following in the subject field: (University name/Internship 2024).
Attach all the below requirements:
- University enrollment letter highlighting the major, grade and year.
- Copy of National ID .
- Updated C.V including E-mail and contact information